Lesson 92/104 | Study Time: 20 Min


  • Through a royal proclamation. Lord Curzon ordered Partition ol Bengal creating  East Bengal and Assam out of the rest of Bengal on 16th October. 1905. 

  • The objective was to set up a communal gulf between the Hindus and Muslims. 

  • The Indian National Movement entered its second phase after the Partition of Bengal. 

  • The British said that the existing province of Bengal was too big to be efficiently administered by a single Provincial Government. 

  • The Indian National Congress and the nationalists of Bengal firmly opposed the Partition. Within Bengal, different sections of the population- zamindars, merchants, lawyers, students and even women rose up in spontaneous opposition to the partition of their province. 

  • Divide and Rule The nationalists could see that it was a deliberate attempt to divide Bengal's territory on religious grounds as for the Eastern part Muslims will be in majority and for the Western part, the Hindus. 

  • Rablndranath Tagore composed the National Song Amar Sonar Bangla for the occasion. This song was adopted as the National Anthem by Bangladesh in 1971, after its liberation from Pakistan. 

  • The Anti-Partition Movement 

  • The Anti-Partition movement was initiated on 7th August. 1905. On that day, a massive demonstration against time partition was organised in the Town Hall in Calcutta. 

  • The partition took effect on 16th October. 1905, 

  • Banaras Session of INC. 1905-Presided by GK Gokhale—first calls for Swadeshi. 

  • Meeting of INC at Calcutta 7th August 1905—Resolution to boycott British goods was adopted.

When was the Partition of Bengal officially implemented by the British Government?

  • a) 1903

  • b) 1904

  • c) 1905

  • d) 1906

Answer: c) 1905

Who was the Viceroy of India responsible for the Partition of Bengal in 1905?

  • a) Lord Curzon

  • b) Lord Minto

  • c) Lord Ripon

  • d) Lord Hardinge

Answer: a) Lord Curzon

Which of the following was a major reason given by the British for the Partition of Bengal?

  • a) Economic exploitation

  • b) Administrative efficiency

  • c) Religious differences

  • d) Military strategy

Answer: b) Administrative efficiency

The Swadeshi Movement was launched in response to which event?

  • a) The Ilbert Bill controversy

  • b) The formation of the Indian National Congress

  • c) The Partition of Bengal

  • d) The Rowlatt Act

Answer: c) The Partition of Bengal

In which year was the Partition of Bengal annulled due to widespread protests and unrest?

  • a) 1908

  • b) 1911

  • c) 1912

  • d) 1915

Answer: b) 1911

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