Part-1 Ancient Indian History
1.1 Stone age
(500000 BC- 1000 BC)
1.2 Indus Valley Civilisation
( 3500 BC -1400 BC )
1.3 The Aryan and The Vedic Age
(1500-1000 BC)
1.4 Later Vedic Age
( 1000-600 BC)
1.5 Early Dynasties
( Bimbisara 544 BC- Dhanananda, 323 BC )
1.6 Foreign Invasions
( Cyrus of Persia 588BC-Alexander, 326 BC )
1.7 Religions
( 600 BC )
1.8 The Mauryan Empire
( 321 BC Chandragupta Maurya-Brihadratha 184 BC )
1.9 Post-Mauryan Period
This age is divided into three phases according to the nature of the stone tools used by the people and change in the climate.
Early or Lower Palaeolithic
Middle Palaeolithic
Upper Palaeolithic
The Palaeolithic Age
1.(500000 BC – 9000 BC)
The Palaeolithic culture of India developed in the Pleistocene period or in the ice age.
2.Robert Bruce Foote was the first to discover a palaeolithic site in India. Homo Sapiens first appeared towards the end of this phase.
The three main characteristics of the Paleolithic Age are as follows:
The inhabitants were dependent on their environment.
3.Men were hunters and women were gatherers.
Used simple tools.
Nomadic style of life was practised.
4.They had no knowledge of agriculture or pottery. They used tools of unpolished, rough stones and lived in cave and rock shelters.
5.Their tools were mostly made of quartzite, thus, they are also called Quartzite men.