Guru Nanak (1969-1539) Born in Talwandi, the first Sikh guru and established Nanak Panth.
Guru Angad (1539-52) Invented Grumukhi script for Punjabi Language.
Guru Amardas (1552-74) divided his spiritual empire into 22 parts called Manjis, which was put under the charge of a Sikh Mugal Emperor Akbar visited him.
Guru Ramdas(1575-81) Founded the city of Amritsar. He dug a tank (sarovar) and constructed Harmandir Sahib in the midst of the tank.
Guru Arjun Dev (1581-1606) He compiled the Adi Granth. Completed the construction of Amritsar and founded the cities of Taran and Kartarpur. He was executed by Jahangir.
Guru Har Govind Rai (1606-45) Transformed Sikhs into warrior class and defeated the Mugual army at Sangrama. Fortified Amritsar and built the Akal Takht at Golden Temple. Took the title of Padshah and founded the city of Kiratpur in Kashmir.
Guru Har Rai (AD 1645-61) He met Dara Shikoh, son of Aurangzeb.
Guru Har Kishan (1661-64) Ramraya established a separate seat of Guru at Dehradun.
Guru Teg Bahadur (1664-75) Executed by Aurangzeb at Delhi. Sis Ganj Gurudwara marks the site of his martyrdom.
Guru Gobind Singh (1675-1708) (born at Patna) He was Tenth and the last Sikh Guru. He organised a community of warriors called Khalsa (Baisakhi Day, 1699) summoned the assembly of Sikhs at Anantapur and 5 persons were selected (Panj Piaras), who took the water of immortality.
The Sikhs were required to keep 5 k's viz. Kesh, Kirpan, Kachha, Kangha and Kara. he compiled Dasven Padshah ka Garanth. He was stabbed to death by a Pathan in 1708.
Maharaja Ranjeet Singh (1792-1839) Born in 1780 at Gujranwala, he founded the Sikh rule in Punjab. He occupied Lahore in 1799 and made it his capital. He annexed Amritsar (1802), Ludhiana, Kangra, Multan, attacked Kashmir and Peshawar. He died in 1839.
Successors: Ranjit Singh Kharak Singh (1839-40) Naunihal Singh (1840), Sher Singh (1841-43)m Dalip Singh (1843-49)
Anglo-Afghan Wars
First War (1839-42) or Aukhland's Folly
In 1839, the British replaced Dost Muhammad by placing Shah Shuja. The British faced a popular revolt but were able to re-occupy Kabul. However they had to restore the throne to Dost Muhammad. The British occupied Kabul in 1842.
Second War (1878-80)
British India attacked Afghanistan during the period of Sher Ari. Sher Ali was defeated by Lord Lytton and his sons signed the Treaty of Gandamak (Yakub Khan)
The British adopted the principle of non-interference.
Third War
The Durand line was reaffirmed between British India and Afghanistan.
Treaty of Rawalpindi was signed.
Afghan independence with full sovereignty in Foreign Affairs.