Harsha, also known as Siladitya, ascended the throne in AD 606 and from this year, he belonged to the Pushyabhuti dynasty, which ruled from Thaneswar, but he shifted his capital to
a) Kannauj.
b) Patliputra
c) Vaishali
d) Rajgira
Ans - a)
Harsha is called the last great Hindu emperor of India, but he was neither a staunch Hindu nor the ruler of the whole country
a) the last great Hindu of north India
b) the first great Hindu king of india
c) he was first true Bhuddhist king of India
Ans - a)
The Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang AD 627-643 visited India during the Harsha period and wrote a book named ..
a) 'Shi-Yu-Ki' (the world of the west-My Travels )
b) Surya Siddhanta.
Ans - a)
Harsha was defeated in Deccan by Pulakesin-II in 647 AD, the Chalukyan king of Vatapi, on the bank of river ,this is written on Aihole inscription; it is evident that Pulakesin II won against Harshavardhana, on river ….,
a) Narmada
b) Tapi
c) Gomati
Ans - a)
Gupta Dynasty was famous for
A. Art and architecture
B. Imperialism
C. Revenue and land reform
D. None of these
Answer: Option A
6) Harsha was defeated by
A. Sasanka
B. King of Valabhi
C. Bhaskarvarman
D. Pulakeshin II
Answer: Option D
7) The Gupta king who assumed the title of 'Vikramaditya' was
A. Skandagupta
B. Samudragupta
C. Chandragupta-II
D. Kumaragupta
Answer: Option C