Lesson 84/104 | Study Time: 30 Min


1.Lord Canning (1856-1862)

  • Revolt of 1857

  • Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were opened in 1857.

  • He was last Governor-General appointed by the East India Company and the First Viceroy.

  • Passed the Government of India Act 1858, which ended the rule of the East India Company.

  • The Doctrine of Lapse was withdrawn. The Indian Penal Code (1859) was passed. Income tax was introduced for the first time in 1858. 

  • The Indigo riots in Bengal. 

  • The Indian Councils Act of 1861 was passed, which proved to be a landmark in the constitutional history of India. 

  • Indian High Court Act, (1861). Under this act, High Courts were opened in 1865. 

  • Bombay and Madras were founded in 1857. 

2.Sir John Lawrence (1864-69) 

  • High Courts were established at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1865. War with Bhutan in 1865. 

  • The Punjab Tenancy Act was passed. 

Lord Ripon (1880-1884)

  • He was appointed by the Liberal Party under Gladstone. Repealed the Vernacular Press Act In 1882. 

  • The first Factory Act came in 1881 (Improve the labour condition). In rural areas, Local Boards were set-up in 1889, the Madras Local Board Act, was passed. He was famously known as “Father of Local Self Government”. 

  • First Official Census in India (1881). 

  • Famine code was adopted (1883). 

  • Appointed Hunter Commission for Educational reforms in 1882. 

  • Ilbert Bill Controversy (1883-84), which empowered Indian Judges to inquire into European cases. 

  •  Foundation of Punjab University.  

3.Lord Curzon (1899-1905)

  • Appointed a Police Commission in 1902 under Andrew Frazer. 

  • Universities Commission appointed in 1902, under Thomas Railey. 

  • Indian Universities Act, passed in 1904. 

  •  Famine Commission under Macdonell. 

  • A new Department of Commerce and Industry was established. 

  • Partition of Bengal (16th October, 1905). 

  • The rising of the frontier tribes in 1897-98 led him to create the North-Western Frontier Province. 

  • He passed the Ancient Monuments Protection Act, (1904) to restore India’s cultural heritage. Thus, the Archaeological Survey of India was established.

  • Passed the Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act, (1899) and put India on a gold standard. 

  • PUSA Agricultural Institute in 1903.

4.Lord Minto –II (1910-1910)

  • Swadeshi Movement. 

  •  Surat split (split in Congress between the moderates and the extremists,1907). 

  •  Indian Councils Act, 1909 and Morley-Morley-Minto Reforms. 

  • Foundation of Muslim League, 1906. 

  •  Newspapers Act, 1908. 

Lord Hardinge-II (1910-1916)

  •  Annulment  of the Partition of Bengal in 1911. 

  • Bomb was thrown at Hardinge near Chandni Chowk, but escaped unhurt. 

  •  Transfer of capital from Calcutta to DeLhi in 1911. 

  •  Darbar in Delhi and Coronation of George V in 1911. 

  • In 1912, Behar and Orissa separated from Bengal and became a new  state. 

  • Establishment of Hindu Mahasabha by Madan Mohan Malviya (1915). 

  • Gandhiji came back to India from / South Africa (1915)

5.Lord Chelmsford (1916-21)

  • Government of India Act, 1919 also known as Montague-Chelmsford Reforms. 

  • Repressive Rowlatt Act, (1919). 

  • Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April, 1919). 

  •  Home Rule Movement both by Tilak and Annie Beasant. 

  • Sadler Commission on Education in 1917. 

  •  Appointment of Hunter Commission to look into Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy. 

  •  Chambers of Prince, 1921, established. 

  • Non Cooperation Movement Started, Khilafat movement initiated. 

  •  An Indian Sir SP Sinha was appointed as the Governor of Bengal. 

  • Death of Tilak (1920). 

6.Lord Irwin (1926-1931)

  • The Simon Commission visited India in 1928. Butler Commission in 1927. 

  • Deepawali declaration by Lord Irwin (1929). 

  • All India Youth Congress, 1928. 

  • Nehru Report, 1928. 

  •  Lahore Session of the Congress. (1929) and Poorna Swaraj declaration. 

  • First Round Table Conference 1930. Congress boycotted it. 

  •  Civil Disobedience Movement, 1930 started with.

  •   Dandi March (12th March, 1930). 

  • Gandhi-irwin Pact, 5th March, 1931. 

  •  Sharda Act, 1929 under which the marriageable age of girls (14 years and boys (18 years) was raised. 

  •  Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose founded the Independence of India League.

7.Lord Wellington (1931-1936)

  •  Second and Third Round Table Conferences. 

  • Communal Award by Mcdonald (British PM). Government of India Act, 1935. 

  • The Poona Pact was signed.

  • During his period Orissa was separated from Bihar (1936) and a new province Sind was created (1936). Burma separated from India as well in 1935. 

  • All India Kisan Sabha, 1936. 

  • Foundation of Congress Socialist Party 1934. 

8.Lord Mountbatten (March to August, 1947) 

  • 3 rd June plan.

  • Last British Viceroy of British India. 

  • First Governor-General of free India. 

  • Boundary commissions under Radcliffe. 

  • Introduction of Indian Independence Bill in the House of Commons. 

  • In February 1947, Mountbatten was appointed Viceroy and Governor-General of India and oversaw the Partition of India into India and Pakistan. He then served as the first Governor-General of the Union of India until June 1948 and played a significant role in persuading princely states to accede to India

9.C Rajagopalachari

  •  Last Governor-General of India. 

  • The only Indian Governor-General to remain in office from 21st June, 1948 to 25th January 1950. 

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