Previous Question of Arab Conquest of Sind

Lesson 31/104 | Study Time: 20 Min
Previous Question of Arab Conquest of Sind

1.The first muslim invasion of India 

a) Md Bin Qasim Invasion (AD 712) Md Qasim of Iraq was the first Muslim to invade India. He defeated the ruler of Sindh, Dahir and the province was given to Umayyad Khilafat.

b) Sufi Bin Qasim Invasion (AD 722)  of Arab origin was the first Muslim to invade India. He defeated the ruler of Sindh, Dahir and the province was given to Umayyad Khilafat

c)Md Bin Qasim Invasion (AD 712) Md Qasim of Iraq was the first Muslim to invade India. He defeated the ruler of Iran, Dahir and the province was given to Umayyad Khilafat.

d) All are correct.

Ans - b)

2. Which of the following statement about Mahmud of Ghazni is correct  

a) He plundered Somnath temple in AD 1025 (his sixteenth raid)

b) In AD 1026, Mahmud defeated the Jats. He died in AD 1030. The objective of Mahmud’s  

expeditions were to plunder and loot. He was not interested in expanding his empire to India.

c) During his time a high water mark in the Iranian renaissance was reached with Firdausi’s  

Shah Namah. He patronised three persons, contemporary to him: Firdausi (court poet), 

Alberuni (scholar) and Utbi ( court historian) , Alberuni wrote ‘kitab-ul-Hind’.

d) All are correct.

Ans - d)

3.Causes of the Turkish Success are 

a) Political disunity among Rajput and internal rivalries and no Central Government.

b) Unguarded Frontiers, even after repeated attacks.

c) Organised military and ambitious Turkish invaders.

d) All are correct

Ans - d)

4.Which of the following were the first Muslims to invade India?

a) Afghans

b) Turks

c) Persians

d) Arabs

Ans: (d)

5.Muhammad Prophet was born in

a) 540 A.D

b) 570 A.D

c) 580 A.D

d) 545 A.D

Ans: (b)

6.Muhammad Prophet went to Madina in

a) 598 A.D

b) 602 A.D

c) 610 A.D

d) 622 A.D

Ans: (d)

7.Prophet Muhammad was died in

a) 600 A.D

b) 610 A.D

c) 630 A.D

d) 632 A.D

Ans: (d)

8.Who was the last Hidu king ruled North India

a) Pulakesi

b) Kanishka

c) Chandradeva

d) Harsha

Ans: (d)

9.The first Muslim expedition on India took place in

a) 716 A.D.

b) 718 A.D.

c) 712 A.D.

d) 720 A.D.

Ans: (c)

10.Who was the Hindu king at the time of invasion of Muhammad-Bin-Quasim on Sind?

a) Dahir

b) Hala

c) Krishna

d) Ananda Pala

Ans: (a)

11.Who established the first Islamic empire in India?

a) Hizzaz

b) Muhammad-Bin-Quasim

c) Muhammad Ghazni

d) Muhammad Ghor

Ans: (d)

12.Muhammad Ghazni invaded India 17 times between

a) 900-950 A.D.

b) 950-1000 A.D.

c) 1000-1026 A.D.

d) 1025-1046 A.D.

Ans: (c)

13.Muhammad Ghazni plundered somnath temple in Kathiawar in

a) 1020 A.D.

b) 1025 A.D.

c) 1030 A.D.

d) 1029 A.D.

Ans: (b)

14.The first Tarin war took place in

a) 1191 A.D.

b) 1193 A.D.

c) 1195 A.D.

d) 1197 A.D.

Ans: (a)

      15.The second Tarian war took place in

a) 1193 A.D.

b) 1198 A.D.

c) 1199 A.D.

d) 1192 A.D.

Ans: (d)

16.The Rajput king who was defeated and killed in second Tarain was

a) Nagabhatta

b) Prithviraj Chauhan

c) Rana Pratap

d) Jaya Chandra

Ans: (b)

          17.The king of Kanauj Jaya Chandra was defeated and killed by Muhammad Ghor in the battle of

a) Tarain war

b) Kanwa

c) Panipat II

d) Chandwar

Ans: (d)

18.Who among the following gave stiff resistance to Arabs?

a) Gurjara Prathiharas

b) Chandelas

c) Solankies

d) Gahadvalas

Ans: (a)

19.The battle of Chandwar took place in

a) 1192

b) 1193

c) 1194

d) 1195

Ans: (c)

20.Which of the following were conquered by Muhammad Ghor in 1195 A.D?

a) Marwar

b) Bayana and Gwaliyar

c) Mewar

d)Marwar and Bundelkhand

Ans: (b)

21.Muhammad Ghor was died while suppressing the rebellion of

a) Gokkars

b) Santals

c) Gonds

d) Moplas

Ans: (a)

22.Muhammad Ghor was assassinated in

a) 1209

b) 1204

c) 1203

d) 1206

Ans: (d)

23.The first expedition of Muhammmad Ghor in 1175 was against

a) Lahore

b) Multan

c) Sindh

d) Punjab

Ans: (b)

24.The ruler of sind who was defeated and deposed by Arab invaders

a) Harsha

b) Dahir

c) Vikramaditya

d) Maues

Ans: (b)

25.The battle that took place between Muhammad Bin Quasim and Dahir, the Sindh ruler

a) Chausa

b) Belgram

c) Chandwar

d) Rewar

Ans: (d)

26.Who was the court poet of Muhammad Gazini?

a) Alberuni

b) Utbi

c) Hasan Nizami

d) Firadausi

Ans: (d)

27.The period of 17 raids by Muhammad Gazini on India

a) 990-1020

b) 1001-1026

c) 980-1010

d) 998-1046

Ans: (b)

28.When did Muhammad Ghur conquer Punjab?

a) 1160

b) 1175

c) 1180

d) 1189

Ans: (b)

29.In the year the second battle of Tarain took place

a) 1092

b) 1292

c) 1192

d) 1392

Ans: (c)

30.Battle of Waihind took place between

a) Jaipala and Muhammad of Ghazini

b) Jaipala and Ghori Muhammmad

c) Prithviraj and Muhammad Gazini

d) Prithviraj and Muhammad Ghori

Ans: (a)

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